The Venetian magic and Bacaro tour
Struggling to choose between tasting some wine and discovering the secret corners of Venice?
Explore the Venetian secrets and magic most pleasingly by discovering the local culinary tradition of the best Venetian taverns known as Bacari and Ciccheterie. Through the knowledge of your Venetian guide and between one sip of spritz or prosecco and another, you will live and experience the authentic Venetian atmosphere.
Starting from EGO’ Boutique Hotel, your guide will bring you to the most mysterious and historical taverns and hidden corners that only true Venetian know.
The experience includes:
- Visit and tasting in 3 different taverns, with 2 “chicchetti” (tapas) and a glass of wine per person, per tavern
- Departure from and return to EGO’ Boutique Hotel
- Duration: 3 Hours
Terms and Conditions:
- The experience is only available when combined with a hotel stay
- The experience is available at any time of year
For any enquiries please contact our reception at:
- +39 041639 9882
- +39 329 113 6574
- [email protected]